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"); //$res4 = mysql_query("ALTER TABLE commissions ORDER BY entry_day") // or die("Invalid query: set1" . mysql_error()); $res5 = mysql_query("SET @balance2 = 0.00") or die("Invalid query: set2" . mysql_error()); /* $res2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM (SELECT p.plan_id, h.hit_date, SUM(p.commis_exit) AS com_total, p.commis_exit AS com, @balance1:= FORMAT(@balance1 - p.commis_exit, 2) AS balance1 FROM (plan p, portfolio po) LEFT JOIN hit h ON (h.plan_id = p.plan_id AND h.hit_type != 3 AND h.hit_type != 4) WHERE p.portfolio_id = '$portfolio_id' AND p.portfolio_id = po.portfolio_id AND (p.status_id = 4 OR p.status_id = 6) GROUP BY plan_id WITH ROLLUP) t ORDER BY hit_date DESC, com_total DESC, plan_id DESC") or die("Invalid query: 2" . mysql_error()); */ if(empty($sort_by)){ $sort_by = "plan_id"; } if(empty($order_by)){ $order_by = ""; }else{ $order_by = ""; } $shares = "SUM(f.share) / if(COUNT( > 0, COUNT(, 1)"; $exit_price = "ROUND(AVG(f1.price), 2)"; $res2 = mysql_query("SELECT p.plan_id, p.term_id, DATE_FORMAT(p.entry_time, '%Y, %b. %e') AS entry_date, pr.symbol, @balance2:= @balance2 + (p.term_id * (ROUND(AVG(f.price), 2) - $exit_price) * $shares) AS balance1, FORMAT(@balance2 + (p.term_id * (ROUND(AVG(f.price), 2) - $exit_price) * $shares), 2) AS balance, p.term_id * (ROUND(AVG(f.price), 2) - $exit_price) * $shares AS gain_loss2, FORMAT(p.term_id * (ROUND(AVG(f.price), 2) - $exit_price) * $shares, 2) AS gain_loss FROM (plan p, product pr) LEFT JOIN hit th ON (th.plan_id = p.plan_id AND th.hit_type = 1) LEFT JOIN hit lh ON (lh.plan_id = p.plan_id AND lh.hit_type = 2) LEFT JOIN hit h ON (h.plan_id = p.plan_id AND h.hit_type < 3) LEFT JOIN fill f ON (p.plan_id = f.plan_id AND f.share > 0) LEFT JOIN fill f1 ON (p.plan_id = f1.plan_id AND f1.share < 0) LEFT JOIN product_data pd1 ON (pd1.product_id = p.symbol_id AND = (SELECT day FROM product_data pd2, plan p WHERE pd2.product_id = p.symbol_id ORDER BY day DESC LIMIT 1)) LEFT JOIN product_data pd2 ON (pd2.product_id = p.symbol_id AND <= (SELECT h1.hit_date FROM hit h1 WHERE p.plan_id = h1.plan_id AND (h1.hit_type < 3 OR h1.hit_type = 5) ORDER BY h1.hit_date LIMIT 1) AND >= (SELECT f.trade_date FROM fill f WHERE p.plan_id = f.plan_id AND f.share > 0 ORDER BY f1.trade_date DESC LIMIT 1)) LEFT JOIN product_data pd3 ON (pd3.product_id = p.symbol_id AND = (SELECT h.hit_date FROM hit h WHERE h.plan_id = p.plan_id LIMIT 1)) WHERE p.symbol_id = pr.product_id AND p.portfolio_id = '$portfolio_id' AND (p.status_id = 4 OR p.status_id = 6) GROUP BY plan_id ORDER BY $sort_by $order_by LIMIT 100") or die("Invalid query: 1" . mysql_error()); $n = 0; while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($res2, MYSQL_ASSOC)){ $balance1 += $row2['gain_loss2']; $balance = number_format($balance1, 2); $n++; if(is_float($n/2)){ echo(""); }else{ echo(""); } echo(""); if($balance1 > 0){ echo(""); }else{ echo(""); } echo(" "); } ?>
Trade Gain / Loss Statement:
Date ID Debit Credit Balance
$row2[entry_date]"); echo(" "); echo("$row2[plan_id]"); echo(" "); if($row2['gain_loss2'] < 0){ echo("$row2[gain_loss]"); } echo(" "); if($row2['gain_loss2'] > 0){ echo("$row2[gain_loss]"); } echo(" $balance$balance